Dr. Benson Nyambega
Awuoche E.O, Weiss B.L, Vigneron A, Mireji PO, Aksoy E, Nyambega B, et al. (2017) Molecular characterization of tsetse's proboscis and its response to Trypanosoma congolense infection. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 11(11): e0006057. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006057
Momanyi, V.K., Nyambega, B. and Onyango, M.A. (2015) An Investigation into the Factors Predisposing Workers to High Levels of Pesticide Exposure in Machakos District, Kenya. Intl. J. of Sci. and Res. 5(11): 315-322.
Nyambega B, Helbig C, Masiga DK, Clayton C, Levin MJ (2014) Proteins Associated with SF3a60 in T. brucei. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91956. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091956
Nyambega, B., Juri Ayub, M., Simonetti, L; Duffy, T., Longhi, S. A., Gómez, K. A., Hoebeke, J, Levin, M.J. and Smulski, C. R. (2012) Selective blockage of trypanosomatid protein synthesis by recombinant antibody anti-Trypanosoma cruzi P2β protein. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36233.
Ouna, B. A., Nyambega, B., Manful, T., Helbig, C., Males, M., Fadda, A and Clayton, C. (2012) Depletion of trypanosome CTR9 leads to gene expression defects. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34256.
Nyambega, B., Abubakar, L. U., Imbuga, M. O., Abakar, M. H. and Osir, E. O. (2011) Lysis of Trypanosoma brucei brucei by Tsetse Trypanolysin. Kenya J. Sci (B series). 14, 26-34. ! Vazquez, M. P., Mualem, D., Bercovich, N., Zeev Stern, M, Nyambega, B., Barda, O., Masiga, D., Kumar Gupta, S., Michaeli, S., Levin, M.J. (2009) Functional characterization and protein-protein interactions of trypanosome splicing factors U2AF35, U2AF65 and SF1. Mol Biochem. Parasitol. 164, 137-146.
Maximiliano Juri Ayub, Cristian Smulski, Benson Nyambega, Natalia Bercovich, Dan Masiga, Martín Vazquez, Carlos F. Aguilar and Mariano J. Levin (2005) Protein-protein interaction map of the Trypanosoma cruzi ribosomal P protein complex. Gene. 357,129- 136.