Dr. Wilson Okumu
1. Ng’wena G. Magak, Odera Rosemary, Ngiywa M. Moses, Mwaniki D. Minjire and Okumu Wilson. Effects of Allium Sativum Ethanolic Extract on Trypanosoma brucei brucei Parasites’ Morphometric Parameters and Clinical Outcome in White Albino Laboratory Rats. African Journal of Health Sciences Volume 33, Issue No. 1, January - February, 2020
2. Job Kisuya, Alex Chemtai, Evans Raballah, Wilson Okumu, Alfred Keter, Collins Ouma, The role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen specific cytokines in determination of acid fast bacilli culture status in pulmonary tuberculosis patients co-infected with human, The Pan African Medical Journal, 2018, Vol. 31.
3. Abel M. Okoth-Okelloh, Rosebella Onyango, Willy K. Tonui, Wilson Okumu and Collins Ouma, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) in the Morgue: Management and Practice of the universal Precautions in Morgues in Kenya, Biosafety, 2015, Vol. 4(1).
4. Okeyo W.A, Munde, E.O., Okumu, W., Raballah, E., Anyona, S.B., Vuvule, J.M., Ongecha J.M., Perkins, D.J., Ouma, C. Interleukin (IL)-13 promoter polymorphisms (- 7402 T/G and - 4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels. 2013
5. Munde E.O., Okeyo W.A., Anyona S.B., Raballah E, Konah S, Okumu W, Ogonda L, Vuvule J, Ouma C. Polymorphisms in Fc gamma receptor (FcγRIIIA-176 F/V) and Toll-like receptor (TLR9[-123 T/C]) are associated with protection against severe malarial anemia and changes in circulating IFN-γ. Infect Immun. 2012
6. Onyango, E.O, Ayodo, G., Watsierah, C.A., Were, T., Okumu, W., Anyona, S.B.,Raballah, E., Okoth, J.M., Gumo S., Orinda G.O., Ouma C. Factors associated with non-adherence to Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) to malaria in a rural population from holoendemic region of western Kenya . BMC Infectious Dis. 2012, 12 (1):143
7. Narayanan, Srividya, Muralidharan, Subra, Okumu, Wilson, Brian Tripp. Determination of Line Tension of giant vesicles from pore-closing dynamics. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2009, 113 (19): 7040