Courtesy Call by Dr. Jennifer Makin, from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) to the Vice-Chancellor Maseno University
This was a courtesy call by Dr. Makin to the Vice-Chancellor Maseno University, Prof. Julius Nyabundi, it follows discussions that are geared towards creating a consortium that comprises UPMC, Maseno University, JOOTRH and The Kisumu County Government. Dr. Makin and Dr. Omoto briefed the Vice-Chancellor on the progress made so far and that consensus had been achieved on the consortium structure and preparations for a signing ceremony are on track.
The consortium agreement will form a basis of other MOUs that will lead to collaboration with the involved institutions on a wide range of activities including, Academic teaching, Clinical teaching with skills transfer; exchange programs both at undergraduate and postgraduate level and creation of subspecialty training programs like Gyn Oncology; Maternal Fetal Medicine; Urogynaecology and pelvic floor surgery.
The Vice-Chancellor was positive with the deliberations and pledged his total support for any program that adds value to the University.
The people involved in this meeting were:
- The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Julius Nyabundi
- Dr. Jennifer Makin - Assistant Prof. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
- Dr. Owen, Director Public Relations, Maseno University
- Dr. Omoto Jackton, Associate Dean, School of Medicine
- Dr.Stephen Gwer, Chair Dept of OBGYN Maseno University